RO GHOUL HACK SCRIPT PRIVATE AFK AUTO FARM GUI MacOSX. Hack/Script Ro-Ghoul AUTO FRAM/AUTO EAT/AFK FARM/SPEED HACKS. Ro Ghoul new script hack 2018 Free RC FARM AUTO FARM Jan 12, 2019. Roblox new hack script ro-ghoul gui, auto farm, speed, afk auto farm, kill all, teleport. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Imagine paying 10$ for a script sub to nuke. Ro-Ghoul PvP Aimbot. This new aimbot script is for PVP in Ro-Ghoul its very op and the settings are changeable in the script. This script is also open-sourced. To toggle the Aimbot click 'H' and for movement prediction click 'J', but you can change these in the script.
April Roblox Ro-ghoul Script / Hack Unlimited
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🌟 Bugxie 🌟 • Providing you the best virus-free Roblox Exploit Videos!
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☑️ This product is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. This is work in progress and subject to change. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required.
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What is Roblox Exploiting?
Common ROBLOX Exploits allows you to cheat and unlock special abilities that usually costs real money for free. It gives you the possibility to fly, teleport, get unlimited cash and unlock all the special attributes. The latest ROBLOX exploits provides maximum security so that you can fly around and gain unlimited cash and experienece while banning other ROBLOX users as well as to chat unrestricted without the feeling of being watched and getting banned. It's a tool to allow users who cannot afford to purchase stuff in game, to get the same chance as everyone to have fun which otherwise would cost alot. In a nutshell, the ROBLOX Exploits lets you leave your best impression in the game, and everyone will look up to you! So, what are you waiting for?
Thanks For The Support!,
-Bugxie 💗
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Ro Ghoul Hack Free
Ro Ghoul Script Hack Pastebin
- if isSynapse then
- msg = 'If you press the button 'Execute script' you agree that if you don't wanna get banned then don't exploit lol'
- msg = 'YOU'RE NOT USING SYNAPSE, YOU MIGHT GET BANNED n If you press the button 'Execute script' you agree that if you don't wanna get banned then don't exploit lol'
- local agreed = false
- local Frame ='Frame')
- local TextLabel ='TextLabel')
- Frame.Parent = ScreenGui
- Frame.Position =, 0, 0.43857494, 0)
- ExecuteScript.Name = 'Execute Script'
- ExecuteScript.BorderSizePixel = 0
- ExecuteScript.Text = 'Execute script'
- ExecuteScript.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- Frame:Destroy()
- TextLabel.Parent = Frame
- TextLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
- TextLabel.Text = msg
- TextLabel.TextWrapped = true
- repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('Remotes')
- loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
- local key = '操你💦💔🍑👌💦操你💦💔🍑👌💦💔🍑👌💦💔🍑👌💔🍑👌💦💔🍑👌'
- local tab = w:AddTab('Autofarm')
- local dis_old = 10
- local twen = nil
- local old_on2 = false
- local auto_cash = false
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(key, stag, 'Down',,
- while wait() do
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health 0 then
- repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('SpawnSelection')--or wait(3)
- repeat wait() until not game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('SpawnSelection')--or wait(3)
- repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('Remotes')
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(key, stag, 'Down',,
- end
- local oop = tab:AddSlider('Speed', function(a)
- end, {
- ['max'] = 120,
- oop:Set(100)
- dis = tonumber(a)
- end, {
- ['max'] = 20,
- local ass = true
- on2 = on
- end)
- tab:AddSwitch('Auto Collect Corpses', function(on)
- end)
- local drop = tab:AddDropdown('Mob Whitelist', function(a)
- whitelist = '
- whitelist = a
- end)
- drop:Add('Eto Yoshimura')
- drop:Add('Aogiri')
- local dis1 = 5
- local nearest = nil
- while wait() do
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').NPCSpawns:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA('MeshPart') and v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Model') and not string.find(v.Name, 'Human') and (not string.find(v.Name, 'Boss') or whitelist 'Eto Yoshimura') and string.find(v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Model').Name, whitelist) then
- if v2:IsA('Model') and v2:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v2:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local distance = (v2:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart').Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart').Position).magnitude
- last = distance
- end
- end
- end
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
- v.CanCollide = false
- end
- end
- local times_fired = 0
- while wait() do
- if on2 and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('HUD') then
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').NPCSpawns:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA('MeshPart') and v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Model') and not string.find(v.Name, 'Human') and (not string.find(v.Name, 'Boss') or whitelist 'Eto Yoshimura') and string.find(v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Model').Name, whitelist) then
- if v2:IsA('Model') and v2:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v2:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- if nearest ~= nil and nearest.Parent ~= nil then
- print('found', ' ', tostring(nearest.Parent.Name))
- local hum = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
- twen = game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(hum, - nearest.Position).magnitude/sped,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad),{CFrame = nearest.CFrame *,0,dis)})
- if ass and twen ~= nil then
- end
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('Remotes') and ass and (nearest.Position - hum.Position).magnitude < 23 then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(key, 'Mouse1', 'Down',,
- end
- until not v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Model') or nearest.Parent nil or on2 false
- last, nearest = math.huge, nil
- end
- end
- end
- last, nearest = math.huge, nil
- end
- spawn(function()
- print(times_fired)
- wait(10)
- end)
- local psy = false
- local dur = false
- local delay = 1
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerFolder.StatsFunction:InvokeServer('Focus', tostring(a), 1)
- tab_focus:AddSwitch('Auto Focus Physical', function(a)
- end)
- tab_focus:AddSwitch('Auto Focus Kagune / Quinque', function(a)
- end)
- tab_focus:AddSwitch('Auto Focus Durability', function(a)
- end)
- tab_focus:AddSwitch('Auto Focus Speed', function(a)
- end)
- tab_focus:AddTextBox('Auto Focus Delay', function(a)
- end)
- while wait() do
- focusAdd('PhysicalAddButton')
- focusAdd('WeaponAddButton')
- focusAdd('DurabilityAddButton')
- focusAdd('SpeedAddButton')
- wait(delay)
- end)
- tab_focus:AddLabel('Ive heard that ppl got banned using this,ni dunno if this is true tho.')
- local auto_click = false
- auto_click = a
- local auto_use_atc = false
- tab_attack:AddSwitch('Auto Use Moves (E,R,F)', function(a)
- end)
- local name_on = false
- name_on = a
- local anti_afk = false
- anti_afk = a
- local autoKick = false
- tab_misc:AddSwitch('Leave when new player join', function(a)
- end)
- local d_stage = tab_misc:AddDropdown('Stage Type', function(a)
- end)
- d_stage:Add('Two')
- d_stage:Add('Four')
- d_stage:Add('Six')
- print(anti_afk)
- game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
- game:GetService('VirtualUser'):Button2Down(
- end)
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(k)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick(tostring(k.Name) .. ' Joined, auto kicking you b)')
- end)
- while wait() do
- if name_on and game.workspace:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then
- for i,v in pairs(game.workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name]:GetChildren()) do
- v:FindFirstChild('PlayerStatus'):Destroy()
- end
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('Remotes') then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(key, 'Mouse1', 'Down',,
- if auto_use_atc then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(key, 'E', 'Down',,
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(key, 'R', 'Down',,
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(key, 'F', 'Down',,
- end
- end)
- local sec_win = library:AddWindow('Rep Autofarm + Autofarm trainers')
- library:FormatWindows()
- tab_win_2:AddSlider('Distance From Mob', function(a)
- if rep_on then
- else
- end
- ['min'] = 0,
- })
- tab_win_2:AddSwitch('Rep autofarm', function(abv)
- if rep_on then
- else
- end
- tab_win_2:AddSwitch('Auto cash out rep', function(owo)
- end)
- tab_win_2:AddLabel('nAutofarm rep works with both ccg and ghoul b), nalso DONT enable autofarm when you have rep farm on,nrep farm will break if you do that.')
- spawn(function()
- if rep_on then
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('HUD') then
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.HUD.TaskFrame.CompleteLabel.Text 'You have no task at the moment.' and rep_on or crumy and twen ~= nil then
- ass = false
- local hum = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
- local tp_part = game:GetService('Workspace').Anteiku.Yoshimura.HumanoidRootPart
- game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(hum, - tp_part.Position).magnitude/100,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad),{CFrame = tp_part.CFrame}):Play()
- if (hum.Position - tp_part.Position).magnitude < 2 then
- game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Remotes.Yoshimura.Task:InvokeServer()
- game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Remotes.ReputationCashOut:InvokeServer()
- ass = true
- end
- end
- function findComp(a, b)
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('HUD') then
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.HUD.TaskFrame:GetChildren()) do
- local split = string.split(v.Text, '/')
- local max = split[2]
- return(cur)
- return(max)
- end
- end
- local rn = 0
- local cur = nil
- repeat
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('HUD') then
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.HUD.TaskFrame:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name ~= 'FailureLabel' and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('HUD') and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.HUD.TaskFrame.CompleteLabel.Text ~= 'You have no task at the moment.' then
- local currently = tonumber(string.match(findComp(v.Name, 'cur'), '%d+'))
- local max = tonumber(findComp(v.Name, 'not cur'))
- rn = max
- elseif currently ~= 0 then
- end
- local split = string.split(v.Text, ' ')
- end
- end
- wait()
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('HUD') and cur ~= nil and cur ~= 0 and braf ~= nil and cur braf then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.HUD.TaskFrame.CompleteLabel.Text = 'You have no task at the moment.'
- if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.HUD.TaskFrame.CompleteLabel.Text ~= 'You have no task at the moment.' then
- end
- end)
- end
- spawn(function()
- if on1 then
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').NPCSpawns:GetChildren()) do
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Model'):GetChildren()) do
- if string.find(v3.Name:lower(), 'corpse') and v3:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- for i4,v4 in pairs(v3:GetChildren()) do
- if v4:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('ClickDetector') and (game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart').Position - v3:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart').Position).magnitude < 30 then
- local hum = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
- ass = false
- repeat
- fireclickdetector(v4:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('ClickDetector'), 1)
- until ass true
- wait(0.3)
- warn('stop eat')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local key2 = 'llIl🍑lIII🍑👌💔lI👌l1lII1🍑💦Ill💔ll💔👌lIIlIl👌l💔II👌I👌l|lI👌lII|lIlII💔Il|IlIlIIl|II1lI💦IIII1IllI💔lIIllll|IIIll💔👌lII👌lI1lI1Il👌l|I👌I👌l|💦I💦lIllI|lI💦III👌lllIlIlll💦lI🍑IlIl1IllIllI1|💦ll👌lIllll|IIll1I💔llIII|l👌IIlllll|IlllII1ll👌IIIIIlIlll1l1IIl🍑IlIIII💔||I|IllIll💔I1ll|IlIII1lII1I👌I💦II🍑|IlIlI💦ll👌llIlI🍑l👌I🍑IlIIII🍑1💦l🍑lllIIIII|IIlll👌💦III1💔lIlIIllIIIllIlllI|l1Illll|I👌lI👌💦IlIlllllIIll👌lI1💔1Ill👌Il💔ll👌llIIII|1|I|1lIlIIllll💦💦IIIIl1👌🍑llIl👌lIll💦l💦IIII1💦llllI💦lllll👌ll🍑l1👌I💔lIIllI1IIl💔I1lIIIIIIIlII👌lII🍑IlII|llII💔1💦llIIIIIIIllII1💦lllII💔IIIIlIIlI1l1lIIIll👌👌|💦Il1lIllIl🍑Ill👌lIlIIlII|IIIl💔I💦💦💔I💔I👌IllIl💔IlIlI👌IIIlII💔IlI🍑lIlI🍑l👌👌lIIlllII1I👌l👌IIIl🍑I1l👌ll🍑lIlIIl|IIl💦🍑|lI🍑l🍑l|IIIl💦I💦1l|Il💔💦IIll|l🍑lIl|l💦IlllII👌IlIlI1lllIIlll|llI💔IllIlI👌IlIl💦lll|💔lI👌III🍑I|l|l'
- local trainer = nil
- local tab_win_3 = sec_win:AddTab('Autofarm trainers')
- tab_win_3:AddSwitch('Autofarm trainers', function(a)
- end)
- local ccg_or_ghoul = tab_win_3:AddDropdown('Trainer type', function(a)
- print(trainer_something)
- ccg_or_ghoul:Add('CCG')
- spawn(function()
- if trainer_something ~= nil and trainer_something 'Ghoul' then
- trainer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.PlayerFolder.Trainers.GhoulTrainer.Value
- elseif trainer_something ~= nil and trainer_something ~= 'Ghoul' then
- trainer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.PlayerFolder.Trainers.CCGTrainer.Value
- if train_on and trainer ~= nil then
- if game.workspace:FindFirstChild('TrainingSessions') and game.workspace.TrainingSessions:FindFirstChild('TrainingSession') and game.workspace.TrainingSessions.TrainingSession:FindFirstChild('Player') and game.workspace.TrainingSessions.TrainingSession:FindFirstChild('Player').Value game.Players.LocalPlayer then
- game.workspace.TrainingSessions.TrainingSession.Comm:FireServer('Finished', key2, false)
- game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Remotes.Evolutions.GetInfo:InvokeServer()
- game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Remotes.Trainers.RequestTraining:InvokeServer(tostring(trainer))
- end
- end)