Do Downloads Continue In Sleep Mode Mac

If you have put something for download and your computer stays untouched for a given period, it will enter Sleep Mode, pausing every process running on your PC. Windows 10 settings have options that let you disable sleep mode on your PC. This way, your download will continue, no matter how long it takes, even if you are not operating your PC. Jul 14, 2013 West Suburban Boston Ma. Intell said: In sleep mode, it does not download anything. You should keep it plugged in when in sleep mode. Media playback typically stops sleep mode among other things. Click to expand. The OP is referencing an iMac, so it's always plugged in. No, it's not possible to continue downloads while the machine is in sleep mode. You can however just sleep the displays and keep things running. To sleep the display press. Puts all displays to sleep. You could also define a hot corner to display sleep in System Preferences Expose & Spaces Expose tab. Regards, Captfred.

When I am downloading large files, I was just wondering if it is possible to have my MacBook continue to download the file when I close my laptop or put it into sleep mode?

No. Sleep stops all activity.
Does it still download? What's the best way to do this?

Use Display Sleep, or just wait for the file to finish downloading before you sleep the mac. (Set it up by going to >System Preferences...>Exposé & Spaces>Exposé. Select 'Display Sleep' as one of the Hot Corners. To sleep the display, just go to that corner.)
Message was edited by: joshz
Message was edited by: joshz

Nov 7, 2008 6:32 PM

Will Downloads Continue In Sleep Mode Mac

Do Downloads Continue In Sleep Mode Mac

Jackson: Does uTorrent continue to download while my computer is in sleep mode?
self-explanatory question… when my laptop is sleeping does uTorrent keep downloading? or does it pause until the computer is woken up. Thanks



MacDo Downloads Continue In Sleep Mode Mac

Mac Sleep Mode Problems

🙂 Roxter
It differs, sometimes it may seed or download, but i would recommend going to your screen saver settings and turning it off by selecting the screen saver: None. Also go into power settings and make sure monitor doesnt turn itself off after a while too.

Do Downloads Continue In Sleep Mode Mac Free

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